Leôncio (filmografia)

1944 - The Beach Nut, Ski For Two
1945 - Chew Chew Baby, The Dippy Diplomat
1946 - Bathing Buddies, The Reckless Driver
1947 - Smoked Hams, The Overture to William Tell, Well Oiled
1948 - The Mad Hatter, Banquet Busters, Kiddie Koncert, Wacky-Bye Baby, Dog Tax Dodgers
1951 - Sleep Happy, Slingshot 6 7/8, The Woody Woodpecker Polka
1952 - Stage Hoax 1953 - What's Sweepin', Buccaneer Woodpecker, Operation Sawdust 1961 - Clash and Carry, Tricky Trout

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Pica-Pau, Walter Lantz, Chilly Willy, Andy Panda, Zeca Urubu, Zé Jacaré, Meany Ranheta, Leôncio, Toquinho, Lasquita, Inspetor Willoughby, Picolino, Smedley, Professor Dingledong, Família Urso, Turma do Pica-Pau, Show do Pica-Pau, Woody Woodpecker, Pica-Pau Maluco, Passarinho mais maluco da TV.

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