Andy Panda (filmografia)

1939 - Life Begins for Andy Panda
1940 - Andy Panda Goes Fishing, 100 Pygmies and Andy Panda, Crazy House, Knock Knock
1941 - Mouse Trappers, Dizzy Kitty
1942 - Under the Spreading Blacksmith's Shop, Good-Bye Mr. Moth, Nutty Pine Cabin, Andy Panda's Victory Garden, Air Raid Warden
1943 - Canine Commandos, Meatless Tuesday
1944 - Fish Fry, The Painter and The Pointer
1945 - Crow Crazy
1946 - The Poet and the Peasant, Mousie Come Home, Apple Andy, The Wacky Weed
1947 - Musical Moments from Chopin, The Bandmaster
1948 - Banquet Busters, Playful Pelican, Dog Tax Dodgers
1949 - Scrappy Birthday

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Pica-Pau, Walter Lantz, Chilly Willy, Andy Panda, Zeca Urubu, Zé Jacaré, Meany Ranheta, Leôncio, Toquinho, Lasquita, Inspetor Willoughby, Picolino, Smedley, Professor Dingledong, Família Urso, Turma do Pica-Pau, Show do Pica-Pau, Woody Woodpecker, Pica-Pau Maluco, Passarinho mais maluco da TV.

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